Motivation Monday

Life is pretty darn good these days. I had a great birthday celebration yesterday with some of my closest friends! I am in love and getting married. So I am in Love with my life. I challenge each of you to find ways to be in love with your life. We all know it’s not perfect, but every little bit helps!



Motivation Monday

My running motivation has been struggling lately but Thursday it seemed to all click for me. I am at the point where an outside run really is my escape from reality. I just needed to clear my head and get out on the open road. Although my time wasn’t the lowest it was really reasonable (given the hills I face on this route). So today I leave you with the motivation:



I know running puts me in a better mood, and it is addicting!

Be your own Motivation (Monday)

Sometimes you just need to be your own motivation! I decided this morning that I just couldn’t get out of bed at 6AM to workout. I know I made the right decision I was just not feeling all that well when I woke up. I decided to sleep for another hour, and although I still didn’t feel great I forced myself to come to work. I figured calling in sick on a Monday is never good unless you are REALLY REALLY sick and well folks I wasn’t. My tummy didn’t like me very much but I powered through. Then I took a look at the weather and just knew I needed to be outside! I needed to feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face. I needed to breath the fresh air, although I might pay for that later when I have a sinus headache. So I decided to get my run done early today and do it at lunch time. Luckily I am a good planner and had a full set of clothes to change in to work out with and some “stuff” to clean up after since I don’t have access to a shower at work.

I walked outside and instantly felt the love on the sunshine and warmness that I have missed these last couple of months. I was able to run in a t-shirt! No fleece, no gloves, no long sleeve shirt required. I only had my phone with me (no need for tissues) and my heart rate monitor on! It was a great run! I felt great and I went the fastest I have gone, EVER!

So today I am my own motivation!


Fun Day Friday

So it’s finally Friday and I have a GREAT weekend planned. Friday night out with friends, Saturday date day with the boy and Sunday shopping with another friend! I am jumping for joy right now about my weekend, yup I am a dork.

But today started out awesome with a great workout! It’s been a while since I could say it was great. Since my half marathon it’s been mediocre at best, but this morning it was great! I only did 2 miles but it felt good and I know I could have gone longer.

So have a great weekend everyone! What’s your plan?


Motivation Monday

So this week I really need to get back into the swing of things. Last week was a LONG hiatus of working out and a few days of not so healthy eating. But I am happy to say I have managed to keep it somewhat under control. Dinner last week wasn’t the best choices but I made strides at making sure breakfast and lunch were OK.

This week I am getting back to the swing of the gym. Yes I realized I need to hold myself accountable by challenging myself to new tasks. Now that the half marathon is over I needed a new event. So I plan on doing at 10K in June.

Here’s your little motivation piece for the day!


What promises are you making to your body this week? Remember it’s the only one we have so we need to treat it right.