wacky and wonderful Wednesday

Today was just one of those days that was AWESOME!! It started off well by getting up early for my morning walk/run. I am getting back into running and so I have started Couch to 5K again. This morning was crazy hot, but still a good workout. Started my day by stopping at the library to drop off books, gas in my car and Dunkin Donuts for some iced coffee. It was a great morning. I had some hard times concentrating today, my brain was on a million different things. I am thinking a lot had to do with my coffee. For some reason Iced coffee from Dunkin makes me a but jittery.

The rest of the day progressed well at work…came home and was still productive. Did 2 loads of laundry and made a delish dinner….from guess where!?! Wegman’s! I bought marinated steak to make for dinner. It was very tasty with flavors of onion, garlic, teriyaki, and some other stuff…I also grilled some mushrooms and had a salad to go with it.

It was a great Wednesday…how was yours?

Wegman’s craziness!

It’s open, it’s official, Wegman’s in Columbia is open! I was part of the excitement when the doors opened at 7AM today. Yes I was/am one of those. I actually expected it to be a lot worse but when I got there at 6:20 there were probably only a couple of hundred people in line. I was surrounded by some very nice people as I waited with my Starbucks coffee.

Here’s are some pics from the waiting game:

the line in front of me

cars still coming in just before 7…can you see the Howard County Police controlling traffic?

As we started walking in only a few people got upset. Why you may ask? Sadly as we all waited in the line to get in a bunch of others found another door they opened and were bypassing the line to get in that door. Let’s just say it didn’t make some people happy, which I totally understand, but it wasn’t like they were giving away free laptops. Once inside I was greeted by lots and lots of smiling employees. I also saw Ken Ulman (our Howard County Executive) and he said hello. I continued through to the baking section knowing my first stop was some pretzel rolls.  I also figured why not try a bagel, but didn’t expect them to be that good…here’s an everything bagel I had for breakfast once I came home!

It was delish! Just like I was home in NY having a local bagel, almost as good. Although a little softer than typical NY bagels. I was happy that I found a new replacement though since I don’t make it up to NY nearly as often as I should.

Next up was some fresh produce. I almost bought some cheese too, but decided to hold off for now. I did snap a quick picture though.

Would you like a potato too?It was a great opening day shopping experience and really liked how calm and friendly everyone was. I was helped by 3 employees without even really trying. It was also a breeze to check out, perhaps because I only actually spent 30 minutes looking around. I figured it was not the best day to do real grocery shopping. I didn’t want to walk through with a cart because it was too crowded for that and I like to be able to jet up and down the lanes. The only area that was really busy was the produce and prepared food sections.

I loved the store mainly because it was so pretty and shiny! But really I will love it for the convenience once the crowds settle down. I love the idea of picking up some fresh prepared food on my way home, or sitting out on their patio to have a lunch on the weekend.
What do you love about Wegman’s? What are you excited about?

oranges and sunshine

What do these two things have in common? It’s pretty easy really…I love them! Here’s a delicious (and I mean slightly amazing) orange slice I had with my lunch today:

Ok yes I know you can’t quite get how amazing it was from a picture, but I will attempt to describe…It was cold (since I had it in the fridge then on ice), it was sweet and it was juicy! Yes take your mind out of the gutter please. I enjoyed each and every bite of my orange and really wish I had more to enjoy. I am going to next focus on some sweet cherries.

Do you see a theme here? Yes it’s all food, but more importantly it’s sunshine food. Huh you ask? Yes I know greenhouses exist but really good fruit needs good old fashion sunshine to make it grow! And right now I am loving my sunshine (after yesterday’s horrible rain) and my fruit.

I even looked at the five day forecast and did a double take…I thought I was in Sunny LA for a minute because the weather (at least right now) is perfect for the next few days!

Thu Jun 14

Partly Cloudy81°

Fri Jun 15


Sat Jun 16


Sun Jun 17


I am looking forward to some fun in the sun!

Chicken Curry Salad

New recipe…FINALLY!!! It’s only been a few months but I finally made something new. In this case it was for lunch. My salad was quite yummy for my first go and I will definitely be making this again. I also have a few new recipes to try in the next few weeks.

1 1/2 TBS low-fat mayo
1 tsp of lime juice
1/2 tsp of curry paste (believe me that’s all you need)
4 ozs of chicken (i used shredded chicken after I bought a rotisserie chicken)
1 1/2  TBS of cucumber (i used a seedless one)
1 1/2 TBS red onion (I omitted this because I was eating at work)

In medium bowl mix first 3 ingredients. Add chicken, onion, cucumber. Mix well. You can serve immediately or save for the next day.

I made the first one on an English muffin, I am going to try a tortilla and the other option is a pita pocket. You can also add other veggies like lettuce and tomato to your “sandwich”.

Overall I rate it a 8 out of 10 likes for lunch. Let me know if you try it and what you think.

May Review (since I didn’t write often)

So I am not sure I actually accomplished much this month, including updating the blog. But here goes my update:

Goal #1: Put my toes in sand at least 5 separate times. no sand in May…but let’s see if I can get there in June. 

Goal #2: Have at least 100 workouts at Curves and 50 more general workouts.I worked out only 6 times in May. Yes that’s pretty sad, but I have been working on getting more steps in even when I don’t “officially” workout. You can follow my updates on the Workout Tab.

Goal #3: Try on average one new recipe a week and blog about it (that’s 52 recipes). I don’t think I tried one new recipe in May, but I did in June. So that’s something right (I will post soon).

Goal #4: Visit at least one new place. Since I did this in April it’s accomplished…I also visited the largest tree house, check out some pics.

Goal #5: Spend more of my time (not just my money) on doing good in the world. I don’t think I did any in person volunteering this month besides church. 

Goal #6: Read more intellectually stimulating books (not just chick lit), goal of 5 this year. Still nothing….

Goal #7: Take at least 10 pictures a month (with my new camera) and blog about them, no iphone photos! Lot’s of photos taken. You can check out some of the photos (just click the photos tag).

Goal #8: Make healthier choices when I eat out so I feel better about my food choice. I wasn’t so great with this in May since I had lots of birthday meals out. But I plan to make June back on track month!

How are you doing on your 2012 goals?