7the day of Christmas

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: 7 Swans a Swimming. Which makes me think of swimming and summer! Oh how I miss the summer . . . I am a warm weather girl all the way. I love the sunshine, the warm weather, the open-toe shoes and everything that makes summer awesome! I love the 4th of July, fireworks, fireflies, and the late time the sun sets. This whole winter thing is not my cup of tea. I think I could be one of those people that permanently lived in warm weather, I don’t need the chill of fall or the cold of winter, or the beauty of snowflakes.

So just 7 swans a swimming takes me back to many amazing summers! Including this last one when many night were spent on long walks with my now husband.

High Five for Friday!

It’s been a rough week, and for no particulary good reason! So I am happy it’s coming to an end. So instead of a long drawn out complaining fest (because really no one has time for that) Here’s some fun highlights!


PicMonkey Collage1: Fireworks!! Future-Husband and I went to a fireworks show over the weekend. Always fun, even with rain right until they started.

2: Glasses and hair: What you ask is the deal? I got my hair colored/cut and had my glasses on. I think it’s a cute pic that all!

3: 86 temp! Yup and normally who cares?!? But it was before 8AM, I am just saying. And this from someone that loves the heat!

4: breakfast. . . the most important meal of the day. I love Sunday mornings when I have time to make bacon, eggs and a new introduction of potato!

5: My favorite shot of Future-Husband and I even if he doesn’t like my sunglasses on!


What are you High Five for Friday? Link up With lauren.

Wednesday Wishes, #5

The sun is finally shining and the warm weather has arrived! Although I know we should be in spring the weather is teasing us with 80 – 85 degree days and I want to play like it’s summer! But sadly the 60 degree days will be back by the weekend.

Join me in Wednesday Wishes!

Wednesday Wishes


My Wednesday Wish is . . .

  • That my training for my 10K continues to go well! I did 2 really good runs this week and have another one on Saturday.
  • That I have a chance to get my nails done in the next few days. They are looking rough.
  • That my trainings (on 3 different topics) go well today, tomorrow and Friday.
  • That my boy will put me out of my suspense (I am not good at waiting) and make things official.
  • That I will hear about a few of the possibilities that I have put out there.
  • That I can focus on my healthy eating again and stop making choices that make me feel sick. I do know the difference now I need to follow it.

Please share your Wednesday Wishes!

love of the ocean

yet my ability to enjoy it is so sad! You are now asking yourself, what do you mean? I had the opportunity to be by the water twice in the last week. First my view was this:

And a little bit of this:

But do you think I could really just sit and enjoy? You would think yes…sadly the answer is no. I can sit still for all of about 5 minutes than I need something to entertain me. Luckily these 2 pictures allowed me to enjoy the view and a friend was with me so we chatted, I read, and played with my phone so I sat out enjoying the beauty for a while. So this one wasn’t a total bust.
Next up was my work trip to Pensacola, FL. I got the opportunity to head to the beach in the late afternoon as I finished up my work. So there I was in a bathing suit, with sunscreen, towel, and myself…and nothing else. I sat down to this amazing white sandy beach!

Can you believe how beautiful this is? Look at that emerald ocean and white sand…and the water was warm. So i sat for about 15 minutes before I couldn’t do it any more. Then I walked the beach for a while…finally I decided I couldn’t take the quiet any more and left. Yes you read that right…I left after about 30-45 minutes because I don’t know how to just enjoy the view, the quiet, and the beauty of the ocean alone. I am still trying to figure that out about life and how to just do nothing. Even when I am home I can’t be focused on just one thing. As I sit here and type I also have the TV on.

But of course I couldn’t let me inability to relax and enjoy ruin my evening so I headed to dinner at the Fish House in downtown Pensacola. I had a crab stuff mahi mahi for dinner and WOW it was awesome!

The view was pretty good too, although most of the dinner I had my back to it. It was still nice to still be bear the water.

Perhaps one of these days I will learn how to relax, enjoy and just be ok with the silence…if you have any suggestions I am open to them. So now I just have to be ok with short spurts to enjoy my love of the ocean!


Brothers of the Sun…Concert Review

A great day was had by all at FedEx Field watching Jake Owen, Grace Potter, Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney. Each act had impressive crowd interaction. For me that is like the number 1 thing a band can do during the show. I don’t like feeling as if I am watching a music video or listening to the CD. I want more! Thankfully all gave more, more and more! I was a little sad that Tim McGraw didn’t sing one of my favs, My Next Thirty Years, but he did sing, I like it I love it. I reminisced back to when I first heard that song, and was one of the songs that brought me into country music.
Here are a great few shots:

Jake Owen

Tim McGraw

Kenny Chesney (opening)

more Kenny Chesney

Oh and finally Jake Owen was sitting behind us during the beginning of Tim McGraw.